Cookies | Nespresso

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  • What are cookies?
  • What types of cookies are used on Nespresso platforms?

    We use the following types of cookies on Nespresso platforms:

    Cookie categories Duration
    a) Compulsory cookies

    These cookies are essential for basic functions and must be accepted in order for some Nespresso platforms to work. They may be used for authentication, security or location purposes. Without these cookies, the services you request, such as adding items to your basket, might not work. If you deactivate these cookies, some parts of the Nespresso platform will not be operational, such as adding items to your basket or paying for your basket.
    As long as necessary
    b) Functional and performance cookies

    These cookies are essential for basic functions and must be accepted in order for some Nespresso platforms to work. They may be used for authentication, security or location purposes. Without these cookies, the services you request, such as adding items to your basket, might not work. If you deactivate these cookies, some parts of the Nespresso platform will not be operational, such as adding items to your basket or paying for your basket.
    90 days
    c) Advertising cookies

    These cookies are essential for basic functions and must be accepted in order for some Nespresso platforms to work. They may be used for authentication, security or location purposes. Without these cookies, the services you request, such as adding items to your basket, might not work. If you deactivate these cookies, some parts of the Nespresso platform will not be operational, such as adding items to your basket or paying for your basket.
    90 days
    d) Social media cookies

    These cookies are used when you share information via a sharing button on social media, from a Nespresso platform. In this case, the social media records this operation. This information may also be linked to targeting and/or advertising activities.
    90 days
    e) Chat cookies

    These cookies are used when you share information and chat with Nespresso via a dialogue / chat box. In this case, the online chat tool records the discussion.
    90 days
  • Managing your consent preferences regarding cookies

    You can access your preferences regarding cookies and change them at any time by clicking here.

  • Updating this policy

    We reserve the right to make any changes or corrections we choose to this policy. Please view this page regularly to find out about changes, and any other details we might add. We will publish updates on the Nespresso platforms.

  • Personal Data Protection Policy

    For more information on how your data is used (including details of the Data Controller), please consult our personal data protection policy by clicking here.

    This cookie policy was last updated on 25/05/2018