Responsible Recycling
We are the choices we make.

Why aluminium?
Aluminium is the best suitable material available today to protect the aromas of our high quality Nespresso coffee from:
How can capsules be recycled?
Used Nespresso capsules can be collected in our free recycling bags. There are 2 different formats available, one for 200 used capsules and one for up to 900 used capsules. It is important to note that the coffee grounds do not need to be removed from the capsules; they do not disrupt the recycling process.
Full recycling bags can be returned in one of our Boutiques, in a UPS pick up point or by handing it over to the carrier when they deliver a new parcel.
For a companies/venues with a large consumption of more than 4000 capsules a month, it is possible to receive a large container to collect the used capsules. If you are interested in this solution, please contact our contact center on the free number 0800 496 53 for more information.

Coffee capsules make up only 0.3 % of all packaging
Secondary aluminium
is versatile usable

Free Recycling bag - 900 capsules
Order these products and help us recycle even better in the future.

Recycling bin
Would you like to communicate the subject of capsule recycling more strongly in your company?
Recycling, the final step in a series of concrete measures for more sustainability
As a supplier of premium coffee, we bear responsibility for the world in which we live. Our responsibility does not end with the enjoyment of coffee or our commitment to recycling.
Nespresso is committed to acting responsibly and making a positive difference wherever possible. For our coffee farmers, but also for society and the environment.