Barista Creations


‎₺26.00 (Piece)
Creamy & Chocolatey

Inspired by desserts and the cherished memories these hold for us, each Barista Creations flavoured is an exquisite coming together of coffee and classic flavours—an invitation to treat yourself. Our master blenders and roasters expertly bring coffee beans and some of the finest flavours together into one cup that holds the power to trigger a rush of beautiful memories.

Together in Barista Creations Flavoured Cioccolatino we’ve captured the famous bitter-sweetness of dark chocolate to give the signature taste of roasted coffee an added depth of flavour. The base blend of Arabicas from Brazil and Colombia already carries its own beautiful complexity of tastes and aromatics—a light split roast of the distinct coffees delivers a silky, smooth coffee, ideal for that timeless rich chocolate flavour.


Signature Recipes

Cioccolatino Orange Viennois

Duration: 2 min Difficulty: Easy


1 capsule - 110 ml BC Flavoured Cioccolatino, 60 gr Whipped Cream, 5 gr Fresh Orange Zest, 5 gr Chocolate Sauce


Gran Lungo Origins Cups

How to make

  1. Brew a BC Flavoured Cioccolatino directly into the Grand Lungo Origins cup.
  2. Add whipped cream on top of the coffee.
  3. Grate Grate fresh orange zest and g arnish on top of the whipped cream.
  4. Enjoy!


Cioccolatino Viennois

Duration: 2 min Difficulty: Easy


110 ml 1 Barista Creations Cioccolatino Coffee Capsule, 100 ml 1.5% Fat Cow Milk


CitiZ Coffee Machine, Aeroccino 3 Milk Frother, View Lungo Cup

How to make

  1. Place the Barista Creations Cioccolatino coffee capsule into the Pixie coffee machine and press Lungo.
  2. Froth the milk with the Aeroccino 3 Milk Frother.
  3. Add the milk foam onto the coffee with the help of a spoon.
  4. Enjoy!
Ingredients and allergens