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Nespresso Privacy Policy

Nestlé Korea Ltd Nespresso S.A. (“Nespresso”), which includes Nespresso’s affiliated companies, is exerting its best efforts to keep your personal information that you may provide to the websites operated by Nespresso protected. We comply with regulations of relevant laws regarding personal information protection and guidelines developed by the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning, Ministry of the Interior and the Korean government, such as the Protection of Communications Secrets Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization, which information and communications service providers should follow, and this Privacy Policy is developed to explain our use of as well as all our reasonable precautions to protect your personal information. Our Privacy Policy is posted on the main page of our websites, which can be easily consulted by our website users anytime.  This policy is provided in Korean and English. In the case of any discrepancies in translation, the Korean version supercedes the English version.
Nespresso reserves the right to modify our Privacy Policy when there are changes in relevant laws and guidelines, or Nespress’s internal policy, and such modifications will be immediately posted on our websites with the date of revision, so that they can be easily noticed by our users.
This Privacy Policy includes:
1.     Collection of Personal Information
2.     Intended Use of Personal Information
3.     Retention of Personal Information
4.     Destruction Process of Personal Information
5.     Consignment of Personal Information
6.     Rights of Users and Legal Representatives
7.     Technologies and Management of Personal Information
8.     Installation, Operation and Rejection of Cookies
9.     Sharing and Providing Collected Personal Information
10.   Contacts and Relevant Departments
11.   Duty of Notification of Changes to this Privacy Policy

1. Collection of Personal Information
Nespresso collects the following information from our users in order to provide membership registration, consultation, and other services.
1.1. Required information: name, email, address, mobile phone number, zip code, telephone number, sex
1.2. Optional information: Additional questions acknowledged by Nespresso as necessary for CRM(Customer Relationship Management) suitable for our members
Also, your service usage history, access log, cookies, access IP information, and membership information that is processed by the service provider for marketing can be created and collected during your use of services or process of business. 
In addition, we may collect your credit card name and number if you purchase our products by credit card, your bank name and account in case of bank-to-bank transfer, and the recipient’s name, telephone number, address, and zip code for delivery of goods.


2. Intended Use of Personal Information
Most of the services provided by Nespresso’s websites can be used without any form of registration. However, we collect your personal information while you use Nespresso membership service, purchase our products, and participate in events and customer surveys, if it is necessary, so that we can provide better quality services including customized service to our users, and the collected personal information is used for the following purposes.
2.1.  Fulfillment of service contract and payment for service
Providing content and customized service, delivery of goods and bills, user authentication, purchasing and payment, collection of bills
2.2.   Membership management
User authentication for the use of membership service and in compliance with the mandatory authentication measures, user identification, prevention of illegal or unauthorized use by delinquent members, checking user’s intention to register, registration and limiting the number of registrations, checking whether the legal representatives of children under 14 agree to the collection of their children’s personal information by us, authentication of legal representatives in the future, recording history for conciliation of disputes, handling customer’s complaints, delivering notifications
2.3.   Marketing advertisements
Developing new service and providing customized service, providing service or posting advertisements according to the statistical characteristic, checking the availability of service, providing information regarding events and advertisements as well as chances to participate, understanding the frequency of access, acquiring the statistics of the user’s service usage


3. Retention of Personal Information
Nespresso possesses your personal information while you use membership service of our websites as a member and utilizes your personal information according to the rules. If you request to terminate the subscription or we have fulfilled the purpose of collecting and using your personal information, we destroy your information without any delay. But, the information mentioned below will be kept for the described period of time due to the following reasons. 
<Retention of information in compliance with the relevant laws>
Member information shall be kept for a certain period of time written in the relevant laws if it is required by the legislations including commercial law and the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce.
- Record regarding contract or withdrawal of subscription
Legal ground: the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce
Retention period: 5 years
- Record regarding payment and supply of goods
Legal ground: the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce
Retention period: 5 years
- Record of visits
Legal ground: the Protection of Communications Secrets Act
Retention period: 3 months


4. Destruction Process of Personal Information
Nespresso destroys your personal information without delay after accomplishing our purpose of collecting and using it. The information provided by the user for member registration is transferred to a separate DB after its purpose is fulfilled (if it is written on a paper, it shall be moved to a separate document box). And it will be kept for a certain period of time before being destroyed due to information protection reasons based on Nespresso’s internal rules and other relevant laws (refer to Article 3. Retention of Personal Information)


5. Consignment of Personal Information
Nespresso consigns the operation of personal information to third parties written below to improve our service. The consigned work of our websites is as follows. Nespresso regulates what are necessary according to the relevant regulations so that the personal information can be processed safely during the consignment contract.
Company name:  KCP Co. Ltd.
Consigned work:  Processing of electronic payments
Company name:  Bollore
Consigned work:  Processing of order delivery information
Company name:  UBase
Consigned work:  Customer service calls
Company name:  Innocean Worldwide Inc.
Consigned work:  Marketing and promotion service


6. Rights of Users and Legal Representatives
Users and legal representatives of children under 14 have the right to access or modify their own or their children’s personal information, and to request termination of their or their children’s subscription through our websites.
Click “modify personal information”(or ‘modify member information’) to access or modify personal information of users or children under 14, or click “termination of account” to terminate subscription (to withdraw contract agreement), and follow the identification process before accessing, modifying or deleting personal information.
Or if you contact Nespresso by letter, call, or e-mail, we will take reasonable measures without delay.
When you request correction of errors in your personal information, we will use or provide the personal information only after the correction is complete. If the wrong information has been already provided for the third party, we will inform them of our correction without delay and have them correct the wrong information they have.
Nespresso processes the personal information terminated or deleted upon the request of users or legal representatives in compliance with the terms in “Article 3. Retention of Personal Information” and this information can be accessed or used only for the purposes described in the same article.

7. Technologies and Management of Personal Information
Nespresso is taking all reasonable steps in order not to allow your personal information to be acquired by third parties other than those who act for or on behalf of Nespresso and have agreed to treat your personal information confidential and secure. Access to personal information is restricted to those of our employees on a need to know basis and who have been trained to observe strict standards of confidentiality in handling your Personal information.
To ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information that Nespresso collects, we use data networks protected, inter alia, by industry standard firewalls and password protection. Although we have tried to create secure, reliable and trustworthy websites for our visitors, please be aware that the Internet is generally not regarded as a completely secure environment, and that therefore the confidentiality of the personal information provided by you or material transmitted via our websites or by e-mail cannot be guaranteed by Nespresso. Thus, we cannot be responsible or liable for the security of your personal information whilst in transit via the Internet to us.

8. Installation, Operation and Rejection of Cookies
Anonymous information is processed by Nespresso to help improve the content of our websites, to customize our websites for our visitors and to learn more about them and how they use our websites. In doing so, Nespresso may use tracking technology (“cookies”) to gather anonymous information, such as browser type, operating systems and the date and time of access. “Cookies” by themselves cannot be used to discover the identity of the user. A “cookie” is a small piece of information which is sent to your browser and stored on your computer hard drive.
You have the right to agree or disagree to cookies installation. Therefore, you can configure options to allow all cookies, check whenever cookies are store, or refuse all cookies to be stored, in which case you may have a limited access to services provided by online shops that require login.

9. Sharing and Providing Collected Personal Information
Nespresso shall never disclose your personal information to third parties outside of the Nespresso group of companies, except when required to do so by following reasons.
Nespresso is an international group and has databases in different jurisdictions. Nespresso may transfer your personal information to one of its databases or to companies within the Nespresso group or to its partners, who have agreed to keep your personal information confidential and secure, outside of your country of residence.
If the level of privacy protection in a country does not comply with internationally recognized standards, we will ensure that personal information transfers to our databases in that country are equally protected and that a transfer of personal information to third parties in such countries does not occur. By submitting your personal information, you expressly agree to its possible transfer to other companies within the Nespresso group and/or its partners and to this end to its trans-border transmission.

10. Contacts and Relevant Departments
Nespresso assigned the following person and relevant department to protect your personal information and handle complaints regarding personal information.
If you wish to file a report or need consultation regarding the infringement of personal information, please contact the following organizations.
- Personal Information Infringement Report Center (Korea Internet Security Agency) (
- Information Protection Mark Accreditation Committee ( / 02-550-9531~2)
 National Police, Cyber Security Department ( 182)
- Department of High-tech and Financial Crimes Investigation Division of Supreme Prosecutor’s Office ( / 02-3480-2000)
- Cyber Terror Response Center of the National Police Agency ( / 02-392-0330)
 11. Duty of Notification of Changes to this Privacy Policy
Nespresso developed this Privacy Policy on June 1st, 2014. If we decide to add, delete, or modify the content of this Policy due to changes in regulations, policies, or security technology, we will post new Policy on our websites.
Final Revision of the Privacy Policy: November 16, 2015
Enforcement of the Privacy Policy: June. 1st 2014
Nestlé Korea Ltd Nespresso S.A.
November 2015
© 2003 Nestlé Korea Ltd Nespresso S.A. All rights reserved.