ON WITH #intensecoffee
To elevate your most Intense Moments,
Nespresso has created Coffee Intensity beyond the limits.
#intensecoffee moment
How to share my moments?

ON WITH #intensecoffee

Unforgettable encounters, intense moments, unusual places, tell us your most intense moments.



1. Download the App


2. Face your inspiring intense moments and capture them with the hashtag #intensecoffee


3. Within 48 hours your contribution will be part of the Nespresso intense moments

Read the terms and conditions
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NESPRESSO General rules 1. Mechanic 1.1 This Mechanic is known as: Share your #intensecoffee Moments 1.2 The principle of this Mechanic is that participants create a still photograph or a video illustrating an intense moment and to submit their contribution to Nespresso by mobile application Instagram as specified by Nespresso. The SUBMITTED CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE DISPLAYED IN NESPRESSO.COM WEBSITES, FACEBOOK PAGE AND TWITTER/INSTAGRAM, ALWAYS QUOTING THE CREATOR. No prize will be offered to participants of this Mechanic other than the display of their entries on Nespresso website dedicated to: 1.3 This Mechanic applies in: ALL COUNTRIES. 1.4 Nestlé Nespresso SA, Switzerland (“Nespresso”) is the organizer of this Mechanic. These Specific Rules set out the particular terms and conditions applicable. 1.5 By submitting an entry, participants confirm their understanding and acceptance of the General Rules applicable to Nespresso’s International Promotions. 2. Participation 2.1 Participation in this Mechanic will be solely by the Instagram application (photograph-sharing application). Participants will require use of a mobile with internet access and a valid e-mail or verifiable return address. 2.2 Participation requires all persons to have first opened an Instagram account (photograph-sharing application). All participants must be and certify that they are over the age of 18 at the date of submitting an Entry. Nespresso reserves the right to verify the age of any entrant and to refuse any contribution without further enquiry if it suspects that a participant may be under age. 2.3 Any non-compliance of the conditions of participation announced in the Rules and Regulations shall render participation null and void. 3. Entries 3.1 Participants shall follow the procedures specified below which include, without limitation: 3.2 Entries shall consist of a single, still image or video using the imagination and skill of the participant in sharing his #intensecoffee moment In order to participate, each participant must comply with the following necessary conditions of which he should be fully aware: 3.4 All entries must respect the following rules :
  • The participant shall take an original photograph or video representing himself back to the camera ;
  • He shall then edit its publication on Instagram, with obligation to state the following hashtag in the "legend" field: #intensecoffee
  • Entries must not contain any alcohol;
  • Entries must be in general good taste and not include any vulgar, offensive, derogatory or illegal matter
  • Entries must not depict any trademark, symbol or logo of any third party;
  • Entries must not utilise or depict any situation endangering the participant or any other person;
  • Entries must be the original creation of the participant and not include the image or work of any other person without that person’s express permission (Nespresso may require proof of such permission).
Any participation that is incomplete, inexact or fails to comply with the above conditions (notably if the "#intensecoffee" hashtag is missing from the publication legend) shall no be taken into account, thus rendering participation null and void. 4. Selection THERE’S NO WINNER, HENCE NO SELECTION 5. Use 5.1 Entries received by Nespresso may, without obligation or guarantee, be used by Nespresso on the Nespresso #intensecoffee moments website, alone or together with entries from other participants and may generally be used by Nespresso for presentation and promotional purposes without remuneration or limitation in time or space. Nespresso will not use entries in paid commercials or advertising without further express permission from the participant. 5.2 In particular, Entries may be published by Nespresso on any of its websites or other interactive properties, applications or sites, including but not limited to:,, in its boutiques and at other points-of-sale or presentation. Participants recognize and accept that such publication may take place outside their Facebook or other profile, unless Nespresso is expressly requested otherwise. 6. Liability 6.1 Nespresso shall not be held liable for any failure in the "Internet" network, nor in the case of Instagram application preventing access to the operation or its proper running. In particular, Nespresso shall not be held responsible for any possible external malicious intent. 6.2 If Nespresso does its utmost to offer users available and verified information and/or means, it may not, however, be held liable for any errors, for any lack of information availability and/or for the presence of a virus on the Website. 6.3 Participation in this operation implies being aware of and accepting the characteristics and limits of the Internet, the lack of protection of certain data in light of possible misappropriation or pirating, as well as the risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating across the network. 6.4 It is thus the duty of each participant to take all the appropriate measures in order to protect his own data and/ or software stored on his computer and telephone devices against any attack. Connection by any person to the Website, as well as participation, is done under his entire responsibility. 6.5 In addition, Nespresso shall not be held liable in the case of: - telephone liaison problems , - equipment or software problems - destruction of information supplied by the participants for reasons not attributable to Nespresso, - human or electrical errors, - disruptions that may affect the proper running of the operation. 6.6 Each photograph or video is published under the sole responsibility of the participant. Nespresso shall on no account be held liable in the case of a claim and/or of any action taken against it, for whatever reason, by any person with regard to the contents or to any rights relating to the photographs published by the participants in the context of the present mechanic. 7. Applicable law and granting of competency 7.1 The present Rules and Regulations are subject to French Law. 8. Acceptance of the Rules and Regulations 8.1 Participation in the present mechanic implies the full and entire acceptance of all provisions and conditions of the present Rules and Regulations.