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The Sommeliers / Photos

Fabrice Sommier 1
© Emmanuel Nguyen – Click on image to download high-res version (5.7 MB)

Fabrice Sommier

Red passion

Who's hiding behind the ruby red glasses of Fabrice Sommier? Beware of this guessing game and do not let yourself be blinded by his shinning and impressive resumé: Chevalier dans l'ordre du mérite agricole (2011), Meilleur Ouvrier de France en sommelerie (2007) (Best Craftsman in France in wine tasting), Master of Port (2010), Gault & Millau Best sommelier in France (2015). Fabrice Sommier cannot be summarized to a list of awards. He is chasing after much more than just glory, passion being his true driving force. He first gets a taste for it as a teenager thanks to one of his teachers. Then begins an infinite thirst for knowledge and he endlessly devours book after book. His passion is nourished alongside Jean Bardet poet of food. He taught me that wine is the intellectual counterpart to a dish. This same passion then thrived from Alsatian to Parisian restaurants passing by Loire tables, until he settles down at Georges Blanc in 2000, as chef sommelier of this prestigious triple starred house where you live in the fast lane, you have to be an actor and not a spectator, and have to live it fully. So when from behind his glasses his eyes gaze upon a wine, you must follow that direction!

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